2955 Transistor. El primer transistor cuya base está libre puede ser un transistor diferente por ejemplo un BD245B con una b de 40 y como segundo el 2N3055 en cambio la ganancia del 2N3055 es tan sólo de 20 (pueden usarse como primeros los Darlington TIP120 o TIP141B con cápsula TO220 los cuales tienen una ganancia de 1000 y 750 respectivamente) Teniendo en.
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use TIP35/TIP36 instead of 2N3055/2955 in the diagram for getting a 0100V range Reply Swagatam says December 29 2014 at 902 amI do not have a trasformerless design at the moment Reply ainsworth lynch says December 29 2014 at 637 pm I would need something to provide 70 +70 and ground with this circuit i was wondering if I use the ground.
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TDA2050 +3055/2955 75W not workingCan someone give the right diagram base on this 3 same chips?For dual and single supply? I already blown 2 TDA2050 and 2 TIP3055 coz by overheat without any sound aka bzzzsound only by following the diagram aboveNext time please show the diagram that working *only* zadt_protuner Reply March 9 2016 1258 am I.
Regarding the circuit I was telling you earlier using the LM317 and MJE2955 the 2955 temperature is around 43 to 45*C which is normal when i use an input voltage of about 16 volts and the load current around 255amps when i use an input voltage of 24vdc the 2955 gets very hot beyond 65*C so I switched off the power to avoid any damage The 16 volt supply is.
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