Actinograph Bimetal. The found deviations were 1895% in days of clean sky 1578% in days of partially cloudy sky 450% in days of cloudy sky and 1511% without considering the type of sky covering showing that the solar irradiation obtained by the actinograph is underestimated independent of the conditions of sky covering Author Rivanildo Dallacort Reinaldo Prandini Ricieri Suedêmio de Lima Silva Paulo Sérgio Lourenço de FreCited by Publish Year 2004.

Estacao Climatologica Nucleo De Climatologia Aplicada Ao Meio Ambiente actinograph bimetal
Estacao Climatologica Nucleo De Climatologia Aplicada Ao Meio Ambiente from

A bimetallic actinograph has been developed by the Canadian Meteorological Division It is proposed to equip a network of radiation stations with this instrument to supplement the ex isting network provided with Eppley pyrheliometers Calibration agreement between the new actinograph and Eppley records for total daily radiation values is within ± 5%.


A bimetallic actinograph has been developed by the Canadian Meteorological Division It is proposed to equip a network of radiation stations with this instrument to supplement the existing network provided with Eppley pyrheliometers Calibration agreement between the new actinograph and Eppley records for total daily radiation values is within ± 5% Author J R FowlerPublish Year 1953.

Analyses of the behavior of a bimetallic Actinograph (R

Bimetallic actinograph MO Mark III by Casella 1955 This solar radiation measuring instrument was designed by M Robitzsch in Germany in about 1915 At first the instrument worked in the principle of two bimetallic rings placed one above the other By the year 1929 the mechanical design had been changed to an arrangement of two horizontal.

yusupmaullana09: Actinograf bimetal

Actinograph menggunakan dua buah logam bimetal sebagai sensor Logam akan bertambah panjang seiring dengan meningkatnya intensitas radiasi matahari Perbedaan panjang logam yang kecil akan diperbesar oleh sistem tuas karena adanya pergerakan pena yang sebanding dengan perubahan intensitas radiasi matahari.

Estacao Climatologica Nucleo De Climatologia Aplicada Ao Meio Ambiente

An Improved Bimetallic Actinograph in: Bulletin of the


Bimetallic actinograph, M.O. Mark III, by Casella, 1955

THE measurement of total solar and sky JSTOR

Actinograph Actinograph Alat pengukur/pencatat secara otomatis Radiasi Matahari total yang jatuh pada bidang horizontal Terdapat sensor yang terdiri dari tiga lempengan logam (bimetal) Dipasang horizontal pada tengahtengah bulatan bola gelas Lempengan tengah dicat hitam dan lainnya dicat putih.