Bully Transistor Map. Here's a quick little video showing all 6 Transistor locations in Bully This short tutorial also helps for all of you playing on the Scholarship Edition! I Video Duration 4 minViews 6648KAuthor Lau Plays.

In Scholarship Edition and Anniversary Edition collectibles such as Rubber bands G&G Cards Gnomes and Transistors will appear on the map once Jimmy passes required Geography classes During Chapters 1 2 4 5 and 6 the map has a general colour scheme of blue and green with blue representing the bodies of water around Bullworth and green representing the various grassy areas.
Bully Scholarship Edition Transistor Locations: Suggested
OverviewTransistor locations and rewardsTriviaThe Hobo Transistors are objects Jimmy can find through various locations in Bullworth One is found as part of the mission A Little Help the others are found during free roam Each time he finds one another A Little Help mission from The Hobo is available Each A Little Help mission involves only being taught and then mastering a fighting move by The Hobo Transistor Location Reward Transistor 1 Roof of the AutoShop Uppercut Transistor 2 In the school basement Leg sweep Transistor 3 An alley in Bullworth Town by the Mexican Restaurant Thrust kick Transistor 4 On top of the dam in Old Bullworth Vale 5 punch combo Transistor 5 In the basement of the Dragon's Wing Comic Store Roundhouse kick Transistor 6 In the northeast of New Coventry Overhead Punch Some players have reported finding Transistor 6 in other places including the Townie Hideout instead of in New Coventry It appears that the transistor was in the Townie Hideout in the earliest copies of Bully it was then moved in later copies It is believed that this was done to tone down the difficulty of the game by allowing players to learn the Overhead Punch as soon as Chapter 3 starts.
Bully/Transistors — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough
After you have completed the mission 'A Little Help' in Chapter 1 you are able to find five more transistors and bring them back to the hobo to learn more fighting combos When you complete Geography class #4 in Scholarship Edition you unlock the locations on your map.
Bully All 6 Transistor Locations YouTube
Bully/Transistors — StrategyWiki the video game Top strategywikiorg After you have completed the mission 'A Little Help' in Chapter 1 you are able to find five more transistors and bring them back to the hobo to learn more fighting combos.
Bully Scholarship Edition Transistor Locations Fighting Moves Hd Youtube
Map Bully Wiki Fandom
Transistors Bully Wiki Fandom
Guide :: All Steam Community :: 6 transistor locations.
All 6 transistor locations This is a guide that will help you find all the 6 transistors in the game Bully Scholarship Edition You will have to be up to chapter 3 or higher to get all of them The transistors if you don't know are items that you can give to the hobo who lives at the school the hobo will teach you different fighting moves for.