D Protein. Furthermore dproteins are manufactured chemically and can be engineered to have other desirable properties such as improved stability affinity and pharmacokinetics Thus a welldesigned dprotein therapeutic would likely have significant advantages over lprotein drugs.

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Complement Factor D is a serine protease that catalyzes the initial proteolytic step in the alternative pathway of complement Expressed in adipose tissue at high levels factor D is also known as adipsin (1) It is an exceptionally specific protease and the only known protein substrate is factor B in complex with C3 (2).
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61 rowsThis gene codes for a special type of protein called Dbifunctional protein which is an enzyme (helps biochemical reactions take place) The Dbifunctional protein is found in structures within our cells called peroxisomes which contain several different enzymes that break down different substances The Dbifunctional protein is involved inMEDICAL TERMSOTHER NAMESLEARN MORE HPO IDCerebral hypoplasiaSmall cerebrum Underdeveloped cerebAbnormal facial shapeUnusual facial appearanceAplasia/Hypoplasia of the cerAbsent/small cerebellum CholestasisSlowed or blocked flow of bile from.
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