De Heus. De Heus develops and produces nutritional products that are adapted to each stage of the animal ’s life and are based on the individual farm situation and the farmer’s objectives Our nutritional products range from Compound feed Complete feed improving nutritional performance Premixes Your own formula customized to local circumstances Specialties Optimized feeds.

De Heus specialists are ‘hands on’ and enjoy working closely with farmers providing key insights into the relationship between feed and how the animals are kept advising about nutritional strategies that meet the animals’ physiological needs and supporting farm management Focusing on one goal keeping animals healthy and enabling optimal production That is what.
De Heus Company Profile Office Locations, Competitors
De Heus is a company specialized in the production and marketing of animal feed It supplies and exports feed concentrates and premixes for cattle pigs sheep goats and other animals The company also helps advance the development of the agricultural sector living conditions and economics in the local communities where they operate.
De Heus India
De Heus Animal Nutrition is a leading global supplier of nutritional products for animals and the power behind the progress of egg meat milk and fish producers around the world De Heus was founded in 1911 and though they are an international company producing seven million tons of feed annually in more than 70 countries located in Europe Asia the Middle East Africa and.
De Heus countries
De Heus became the second largest private player in animal feed in the Netherlands and acquired an export department – still operating today as Koudijs – that was mainly active in the Middle East and Eastern Europe and a factory in Poland Following these acquisitions the company relocated its staff to the current head office in Ede In 2002 the company completed several.
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De Heus acquires Masan’s feed business in Vietnam Feed
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De Heus strengthens strategic position in Vietnam by
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How to pronounce De Heus
De Heus strives to offer its feed customers a secure selling market and the possibility of participating in a professionally coordinated value chain For this reason as part of the transaction De Heus and Masan MEATLife (“MML”) have agreed on numerous strategic supply agreements including a multiyear pig supply contract allowing De Heus to supply MML with a.