Invalid Integer. After further tests on a cloned version of your form I was able to confirm that the 99 percent discount rate was causing the invalid integer issue Changing the discount rate to a lower value allowed me to submit the form without any errors Please try the same on your form and let us know if the issue still persists.

Alberto_jazz This is how I call the indicator in the expert double Stoch_Diff = iCustom(NULLNULL”Stoch Difference”01) When I compile the expert I have no errors but when I apply the expert to the chart I obtain “invalid integer number as20150108201406292012093020111013.
Invalid type. Expected Integer but got Number error in
Invalid Integer SystemTypeException It’s clearly trying to convert a ” into an integer clearly an illegal operation You might want to a) use substring and indexof(”) to split the string into whole values and a separate string for the part after the point20170310201504292013021920100217.
oracle SQL error "ORA01722: invalid number" Stack
The above Schema was generated from a Schema whose data in decimal had 00 Hence when you generated the Schema from the Data the Data’s Type was set to “ integer “ So when 00 passes through the parse it’s successful because it is interpreted as 0 and not 00 Now when something like 25 passes through it it gives the below error Solution.
invalid integer number as parameter 2 for 'iCustom
The problem here is a floating point error in Javascript If you look at this updated version of your jsfiddle you’ll see what’s happening and how I fixed it You need to round the result of your calculation to ensure you end up with an integer var amount =Usage examplevar amount = Mathround(995*100) // gives 995Was this helpful?Thanks! 2013081720121123.
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java Invalid int when converting from string to integer
apex Invalid integer: Salesforce Stack Exchange
Solved: Invalid type. Expected String but got Null Power
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parameter_invalid_integer, New to debugging Stripe: PHP
know why and I don’t integer input” error Getting the “Invalid
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Invalid integer [closed] Ask Question Asked 8 months ago Active 8 months ago Viewed 71 times 0 Closed This question needs details or clarity It is not currently accepting answers Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post Closed 9 months ago Improve this question.