Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia. Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia IS is decreased by a factor of 027 and approximate percentage change is 4355% when compared to preceding year 2019 which shows a falling trend The impact score (IS) also denoted as Journal impact score (JIS) of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal It is based on Scopus data Abbreviation J Ekon MalaysTitle Jurnal Ekonomi MalaysiaOverall Rank/Ranking 247K.
Ejournal from ejournal.um.edu.my
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia (JEM) is a Scopus indexed peer reviewed journal published by UKM Press (Penerbit UKM) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia The journal publishes original research articles as well as short notes comments and book reviews on all aspects of economics particularly those pertaining to the developing economies Articles are published in both English and Malay.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia Impact Factor, Overall Ranking
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia Additional details Print ISSN 01271962 Publications in this journal Absorptive capacity and knowledge spillovers New evidence on the role of human capital and R&D.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia UKM
JURNAL EKONOMI MALAYSIA is a Scopus indexed peer reviewed journal published by Penerbit UKM Universiti Kebangsaan MalaysiaThe journal publishes original research articles as well as research notes comments and book reviews on all aspects of economics particularly those pertaining to the developing economies These aspects are but not confined to monetary economics development economics.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia – Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia (JEM) is an indexed peerreviewed journal published twice a year by Penerbit UKM Currently JEM is indexed by Scopus ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) EconLit Cabell's Classification Index MyCite EBCOHost and Google Scholar.
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia (JEM) UKM
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia ScienceGate
ResearchGate Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia SCImago Journal Rank
Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia Latest Publications TOTAL DOCUMENTS 81 (FIVE YEARS 34) HINDEX 4 (FIVE YEARS 1) Published By Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Ukm Press) 01271962 Latest Documents Graphbased Analysis Top Cited Related Keywords Top Aut.