Juzo Megure. Megure Juuzou commonly referred to as Inspector Megure is a Police Inspector (Rank 6) in Division 1 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department He is almost always there on the scene when a murder occurs always interviewing the suspects and acting as the commanding officer of the group of police he brings along with him among them Takagi Wataru Satou Miwako Shiratori Ninzaburou and Chiba.

“Juzo Megure” is a Character Name associated with Police It is currently unique to Detective Conan S Ultimate Booster Cross 1 Detective Conan Saving Subordinates! Inspector Megure.
Juzo Megure Thám tử lừng danh Conan Wiki Fandom
Juzo Megure (目暮 十三 Megure Jūzō) (also known as Joseph Meguire in the Funimation dub) commonly referred to as Inspector Megure is a Police Inspector (Rank 6) in Division 1 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in the manga and anime Detective Conan Shortly after Megure had come to the police force he was involved in a case in which he would meet his future wife Midori As a.
Juuzou Megure (Detective Conan) MyAnimeList.net
Jūzō Megure Juzo Megure (目暮 十三 Megure Jūzō) (also known as Joseph Meguire in the Funimation dub) commonly referred to as Inspector Megure is a Police Inspector (Rank 6) in Division 1 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department in the manga and anime Detective Conan Community content is available under CCBYSA unless otherwise.
Juzo Megure Future Card Buddyfight Wiki Fandom
OverviewBackgroundAppearanceJuzo Megure (目暮 十三 Megure Jūzō?) Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's First Division Inspector is a supporting character in the manga and anime franchise Detective Conan When Megure was still a junior officer in the Police Force he was involved in a case in which he would meet his future wife Midori involving a serial hitandrunner was stalking the streets targeting high school girls wearing long skirts due to the harassment by a girl gang he had suffered under Megure was ordered to watch her when she was stubborn and insisted to be alone However the car runner surprised and hit them both Megure tried to pull Midori out of danger but both of them were s Megure is a large man He has a thick mustache and thick eyebrows.
Juuzou Megure Detective Conan Pictures Myanimelist Net
Juzo Megure Detective Conan Wiki Fandom
Jūzō Megure Detective Conan Wiki Fandom
Juzo Megure Detective conan Wiki Fandom
BackgroundPersonalityCharacter PopularityName OriginTriviaSee AlsoShortly after Megure had come to the police force he was involved in a case in which he would meet his future wife Midori As a result of the case he has taken to wearing a hat in public in order to hide a scar which he gained and his own selfconsciousness about how he came to his marriage Megure was also a good friend of star detective story novelist Yusaku Kudo and would in the past consult him about one case or another On many such occasions Yusaku would take his son Shinichiwith him who would pick up his father's investigative skills and eventually become a detective in his own right Megure is almost always there on the scene when a murder occurs always interviewing the suspects and acting as the commanding officer of the group of police he brings along with him among them Wataru Takagi Miwako Sato Ninzaburo Shiratori and Chiba Megure and Kogoro Mouriwere former coofficers in the district Megure is a capable veteran officer who cares much for his underlings but he is prone to occasional shouting fits whenever something does not go right or when his excitement gets the better of him He also has little patience for fools but tends to be a bit too conservative limiting his ability for flexible thinking After Shinichi solved their first mutual case for him he has regularly consulted him in difficult cases and considered him a great help In stark contrast to this he tends not to think much of Conan and the Detective Boys usually thinking of them as a nuisance until they solve the ongoing case for him Likewise from their common police days he has no high regard for Kogoro and he thinks that he may actually be under some kind of jinx since wherever Kogoro shows up there is always some murder case nearby (a fact which actually conforms to Conan which in later cases he seems to have realized) In some anime originals Megure has the habit of trying to tell the eBookJapan held a character popularity poll from April 12 2011 to May 12 2011 in which readers of Detective Conan (international included) could vote for their favorite character Megure placed 24th in the poll with 17 votes out of the 5883 that were cast “Juzo Megure” comes from Jules Maigret a fictional Paris police detective created by the writer Georges Simenon Maigret and Megure physically resemble one another as well both are stocky and somewhat overweight Megure's first name “Juzo” has also been used as a pun on thirteen the Japanese numeral Megure's scar has yet to be seen because even when he was hospitalized he either had his hat or had a bandage that wrapped the whole top of his headMegure does not know how to work with computers well He doesn't know the most basic jargon nor the proper way to turn one on or off CharactersMegure family.