Line Official Account Premium Id. Only one Premium ID can be purchased per Apple ID If you would like to purchase multiple Premium IDs please do so from LINE Official Account Manager for web browsers After you set your own Premium ID (the “@” mark + a combination of letters/numbers) it cannot be changed while it is in use.

What Is Line?Line For Business AccountsUsing Line Official Account Best PracticesFurther ReadingLINE is a free messaging app with 5 main panels The Friends panel shows your friends groups and LINE Official Accounts with a search on top While the chats panel contains all your previous individual and group chats with friends The Timeline has stories on top and a list of posts below Much like Facebook or Instagram you can post short videos as stories for friends to see or add posts with content that can be shared liked or commented on The Calls panel allows LINE voice calls for free inapp calls or calls to landlines and mobile numbers for a small fee Lastly the More panel shows LINE features like LINE Man or LINE Idolwhich can vary from country to country Using LINE for business requires a LINE business account Like WhatsApp Business which has two types of business accounts LINE Business Accounts offers LINE@ for small business and LINE Official Accounts for enterprises Recently LINE@ was dropped and accounts migrated to LINE Official Accounts Although LINE Official Accounts are free to create they have several pricing plans depending on usage and the option to buy a premium ID as paid addons LINE Official Accounts also have badges that indicate various levels of verification LINE has created rules for how LINE Business Accounts should interact with LINE users This makes using LINE for business quite different from using email or SMS So we’ve assembled best practices for finding your customer on LINE and messaging them If you're getting started with using messaging apps for business and chat automation we recommend you read these two articles 1 The Ultimate Guide to Messaging Apps for Business 2 How To Automate Customer Chats Author Serene Tan.
Help Center LINE Official Account
Ketentuan Penggunaan ID Premium Akun Resmi LINE ini (“Ketentuan” ini) mengatur syarat dan ketentuan penggunaan “ID Premium” untuk Akun Resmi LINE (“Layanan”) yang disediakan oleh LINE Corporation dan LINE Plus Corporation dan afiliasinya sebagai distributor (secara bersamasama selanjutnya disebut sebagai “Perusahaan”).
LINE Official Account Premium ID Terms of Use(ID)
Enter the ID of your choice under Purchase a Premium ID 4 Confirm the Premium ID you entered and the annual fee then tap Purchase Premium ID The payment methods available for making purchases on the LINE Official Account app for iOS correspond to the payment methods designated by the platform.
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to Line For The Ultimate Guide LINE Official Account:
LINE Official Account
UPGRADE TO Premium ID Verified and Standard Official Account will come with Basic ID by default which mixed among alphabets and numbers Users may upgrade to Premium ID to rename it as you wish This will cost 444 THB or $12 per year when purchasing via Android or website while will cost 459 THB per year when purchasing via iOS.