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KUFPEC won the Anambas Block which it owns 100% through a competitive bidding process in 2019 The well was drilled in 288 feet of water using a jackup rig to reach a total depth of 10509 feet.
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Established in April 1981 by its parent company KPC KUFPEC is an international oil company engaged in exploration development and production of crude oil and natural gas outside Kuwait active in Africa Middle East Asia UK Norway Canada and AustraliaMissing logoMust include.
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Anambas has the clearest water I’ve ever seen clearer even than Maldives Now for all the gorgeous splendour Anambas offers it is still relatively unknown in the international tourism realm And this shows when you’re there In fact when you arrive in Anambas it feels like you’ve just stepped back 300 years or so to a time when this part of the world was still pretty muchMissing logoMust include.
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