Postural Drainage. Postural drainage is a way to change your body position to help your lungs drain If you have a longterm (chronic) lung problem with mucus or you have increased mucus from an infection lying with your chest lower than your belly (abdomen) can help loosen and drain extra mucus from your lungs The guidelines below will help you know what to do.

The following tables break down every Postural Drainage Position that is needed in order to drain each specific lobe or segment of the lungs Patient leans forward 30 degrees over the back of a chair (or in bed) Vibration and percussion can be performed over the upper portion of the back on either side if ordered.
Postural Drainage Hamilton Health Sciences
Postural drainage is based on the concept of gravityassisted mobilization and transport of secretions The patient is positioned to drain each segment of the lungs or a group of segments.
Postural drainage Wikipedia
Postural drainage is used to treat any condition that causes the buildup of secretions in bronchopulmonary segments These include bronchiectasis lung abscesses cystic fibrosis atelectasis chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) pneumonia postoperative lung damage (after some thoracic surgery).
How Postural Drainage Can Help Clear Fluid In The Lungs
Postural drainage or chest physical therapy is a useful method of accelerating drainage of fluid or mucus from the lungs when lung infection or illness is present It involves placing the ill person in different postures for set periods of time so that fluid from different parts of the lungs can drain.
Postural Drainage Icid Salisbury Nhs Foundation Trust
An Introduction to Postural Drainage & Percussion
4 Postural Drainage at Home Techniques to Try XO
Postural Drainage, Clapping and Vibration My Shepherd
Postural Drainage an overview ScienceDirect Topics
Postural Drainage Respiratory Treatment Treatments
Postural drainage definition of postural drainage by
Postural drainage National Post
Postural Drainage Positions and Chest Physiotherapy (CPT
Postural Drainage: Uses, Benefits, and Risks
Postural Drainage Physiopedia
Definition Postural drainage (bronchial drainage) is an intervention for airway clearance by mobilizing secretions in one or more lung segments to the central airway by placing the patient in various positions so gravity assists in the drainage process It is effective in cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis & other pulmonary diseases 3.