Red Velvet Kim Jong Un. Kim Ilsung (/ ˈ k ɪ m ˈ ɪ l ˈ s ʌ ŋˈ s ʊ ŋ / Korean 김일성 Korean pronunciation [kimils͈ʌŋ] born Kim Songju (김성주) 15 April 1912 – 8 July 1994) was a North Korean politician and the founder of North Korea which he ruled from the.

Red Velvet (Korean 레드벨벳 RR Redeubelbet) is a South Korean girl group formed and managed by SM EntertainmentThey originally debuted on August 1 2014 with the single “Happiness” with the fourmember lineup of Irene Seulgi Wendy and JoyA fifth member Yeri joined the group in March 2015 following the release of their first mini album Ice Cream Cake.
Red Velvet (group) Wikipedia
Kim Jongin de son nom de scène Kai est né le 14 janvier 1994 à Suncheon en Corée du SudIl a commencé la danse à l’âge de 8 ans en prenant des cours de jazz et de danse classiqueC’est en voyant une performance du groupe Shinhwa qu’il a développé l’envie de devenir chanteur Avec le soutien de son père il participe aux auditions de la SM Entertainment à l’âge de 11 ans et il.
Red Velvet S Irene Responds To Rumors About Why She Was Standing Next To North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un In Photo Soompi
Wikipedia Kim Ilsung
KPop diplomacy as Kim Jong Un attends concert by S
Wikipédia Kai (chanteur) —
Kim Jong Un clapped his hands and performers sung about reunification Girl band made new fans Among the acts on stage at the East Pyongyang Grand Theater was K.