Sa Ta Na Ma. You might know it by the name “Sa Ta Na Ma meditation” I love this technique because it makes me feel so joyful and warm in my heart Indeed happiness is one of the benefits of Kirtan Kriya meditation Yogis have practised Kirtan Kriya meditation for thousands of years And it is especially important in Kundalini Yoga (read Kundalini meditation) It is a singing.

The sounds you will either say out loud or repeat silently inside of your head are SATANAMA You can start by repeating the sounds out loud for a minute then whisper the sounds until eventually you say them silently to yourself without moving your tongue or your lips When you say “SA” touch the index fingers to your thumbs With the sound “TA” touch your middle.
Kirtan Kriya Sa Ta Na Ma by Tera Naam YouTube
also known as Ra Ra Ra Ra Ma Ma Ma Ma Rama Rama Rama Ram Sa Ta Na Ma This mantra is used to balance the masculine and feminine polarities in order to enable more successful communication It helps clear blocks to communication.
Lesson 15 Kirtan Kriya for Evolutionary Change
The four Sanskrit chanting sounds used in kirtan (Sa Ta Na Ma) translates to birth life death and rebirth Here’s How You Begin Your Kirtan Kriya Session Begin your session by sitting crosslegged on the floor or seated upright in a straightbacked chair Rest your hands on your knees with palms facing upwards Chant the syllables Sa Ta Na Ma lengthen the ending.
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SA TA NA MA also called the Kirtan Kriya is a technique in Kundalini Yoga taught by Yogi Bhajan the founder of Kundalini Yoga Sa Ta Na Ma is one of the movement/mudras that I like to use to calm the body and mind This mantra truly brings you into a meditative state Sound system available to present the music above 12 minutes.
Sa Ta Na Ma Kriya Etsy
Ra Ra Ra Ra Ma Ma Ma Ma Rama Rama Rama Ram Sa Ta Na Ma
Sa Ta Na Ma Mantra Meaning Kirtan Kriya Kundalini Yoga
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Sa Ta Na Ma Mantra For Your Life Spirit Voyage
Kirtan Kriya 3HO Foundation
Original Kirtan Kriya Kundalini Yoga Meditationwith the Mantra Sa Ta Na Ma Duration 30 minutes Music and Meditation performed by Tera Naamhttp//satnam.