Trek Excalibur. Star Trek [n 1] (à l’origine nommée sous son titre français Patrouille du cosmos [1]) est un univers de sciencefiction créé par Gene Roddenberry en 1966 qui regroupe sept séries télévisées qui comptabilisent 759 épisodes [n 2] (soit plus de cinq cent quarante heures de programme) treize longs métrages [n 3] des centaines de romans de bandes dessinées et des dizaines de jeux.

Excaliburclass The Excalibur class is wellsuited for cargo or transport missions Its expansive cargo holds make it indispensable to Starfleet as a vessel used to resupply planets space stations and other starships The power systems make it possible to run industrial replicators indefinitely making this class the ideal choice for evacuation and mercy missions The.
Star Trek — Wikipédia
Memory Alpha is a collaborative project to create the most definitive accurate and accessible encyclopedia and reference for everything related to Star TrekThe Englishlanguage Memory Alpha started in November 2003 and currently consists of 52426 articlesIf this is your first visit please read an introduction to Memory Alpha.
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With titles like RED SHIRT RED SHIRTS A STAR TREK PARODY SERIES and THE RED SHIRT DIARIES (to name but a few) introducing multiple new characters and jumping the story forward in time to the next captain and crew of the USS Excalibur following the departure of former stars VICTORIA FOX and CHUCK MERÉ from the series earlier this past year The new.
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Memory Alpha Fandom
Ambassador class Memory Alpha Fandom
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Fan Film Factor – Exploring the world of Star Trek fan films. Star Trek: Bridge Commander : Video Games
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The Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual (p 75) The Ambassadorclass ships Excalibur and Zhukov make appearances in the Star Trek Bridge Commander PC game In Star Trek Elite Force II an Ambassadorclass was among the ships sent to intercept Sphere 634 due to the game’s reuse of Bridge Commander ship models The Ambassadorclass was released.